Conscious Weight Loss – Frequently Asked Questions

“The physical change occurred effortlessly while working on the emotional and spiritual growth this process offers.” – A.A., ESL Teacher
“I’ve presently lost over 40 pounds and kept it off for 3 years. Once the weight is gone, it’s gone.” – L.D., Registered Nurse
“I lost the preoccupation I had with my weight. What a sense of freedom this process brings.” – K.C., Personal Trainer
“I love my new body and my new life too. I love who I’ve become and who I’m becoming.” – M.G., Weight Loss Coach

This process is delivered online and by Zoom/phone to students and clients around the world.

We want you to have the information you need to make an informed decision to proceed. Here are the top 5 questions we receive but if you have others we want to hear from you, so Contact Us!

1. How is this DIFFERENT from every other time I've tried to lose weight?

We shift the focus away from nutrition and fitness. We start from the premise that you probably don’t believe that anything will work for you anyway. Instead, we focus on dialing down your resistance and self-sabotage. We dig into the root causes – everything that gets in the way of making better choices for yourself that support weight loss. Which means this is whole life coaching. We explore how you’re naturally wired, what you deeply value and what you want in your life beyond weight loss. Then we instill the life skills and capacity you need to unleash your potential and create your bigger life.

Your previous attempts were likely just about losing weight, whereas this approach is about losing your weight issue as well. We help you strip away the layers of judgement, guilt, and limiting beliefs that hold you back about your excess weight. Judgement that makes you think you’re a failure at this. Guilt that makes you feel you don’t deserve better. Limiting beliefs that convince you weight loss is hard. By addressing these mental barriers, the path to a healthier you becomes clear. Weight loss transforms from a daunting task into an elegantly simple and, dare we say, enjoyable journey.

2. Who is this intended FOR?

*Mental Health Professionals* *Coaches* *Educators* *IT Professionals* *Executives* *Entrepreneurs* *Healthcare Professionals* *Nutritionists* *Trainers* *Wellness Practitioners* *Caregivers* *Retirees*

Empathy and curiosity drive your professional life. You thrive in careers that help, teach, or innovate. You value insight and reflection, fueling a passion for self-improvement. You aspire to live a bigger life that can be of service to others and leave a lasting impact.

On a more personal level, excess weight clings to you, defying your efforts to shed it for good. This battle with the scale has waged for over a decade. As you’ve gotten older, you’ve lost your confidence to take risks and have stopped pursuing the adventures that once brought you joy. You long to reconnect with that spirited part of you that got buried beneath layers of struggle and self-doubt.

If you see yourself in the descriptions above, you’ll respond well to this. We’re looking for people who want to invest in themselves and become true fans of their personal growth and spiritual evolution that we’re here to support. We want to build lasting relationships where we can witness and champion you, especially where you’ve been holding yourself back. Let us help you craft the extraordinary life you deserve.

3. How much TIME per week should I expect to spend on this?

Invest just 50 minutes a week in the live sessions and you’ll be well on your way. Include the audio lessons and you’ll need another 20 minutes to an hour each week. Allow yourself 10 minutes of daily journalling – optional but valuable – and you’ll reap huge personal insights. We encourage you to treat all this like a college or university course: the more you put in, the more you’ll get out.

We know you’re busy and probably struggle to make time for your weight loss efforts. The homework assignments work with your existing routines. We get you focused on what matters, making meaningful choices and practicing what will move the needle for you. You’ll start with small, manageable steps that bring a sense of progress even when your capacity is limited.

4. What are the methods, frameworks, science and philosophies this is BASED on?

Coach Kath deliberately bypassed existing weight loss methods when creating Conscious Weight Loss. Her aim was to surpass those conventional methods with innovation and greater effectiveness. Her expertise in university-level curriculum design and IT project management informed her robust learning and execution frameworks. She then delved into the science of habit change, personal development, and addiction recovery, first testing this in her own life and then with her early coaching clients. This led to a proprietary weight loss coaching process that yields remarkable and lasting results.

Conscious Weight Loss addresses the personal growth and spiritual evolution necessary for weight loss. Personally, it helps you develop cognitive strategies for emotional eating, procrastination and stress management. You’ll also learn about harm reduction principles and practices in unconditional love. Spiritually, it reconnects you with your authentic self and elevates your consciousness. This journey shifts you from struggle to joy and transforms you from Ego to Soul. This secular path blends tangible tools with profound wisdom to help you realize your potential, your bigger life.

5. Can this be covered by my employee BENEFITS plan?

Check with your benefits provider about wellness, personal or flexible spending accounts. They might be able to reimburse you for some or all of your coaching fees. That said, there are two things people always say after going through Conscious Weight Loss: 1) “I wish I had discovered and done this much sooner in my life, not only for myself but also for the people I care about” and 2) “I would have paid 2-3 times the fee given the profound improvements I’ve made in my life and how I feel about myself now”

Questions to Ask About Any Weight Loss Approach

It’s hard to know how to compare one weight loss approach to another. Here are the key questions to help you understand how and why Conscious Weight Loss is purposefully different from everything else out there.

1. Does the approach encourage CRITICAL thinking?

Life is peppered with the unexpected. Life skills help you respond to the unexpected. Weight loss approaches that try to plan everything in advance are avoiding the very experiences you need for developing effective life skills. ‘Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it’ approaches may seem appealing, but they stifle your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Conscious Weight Loss recognizes that critical thinking is the bedrock of skills development. It results in wisdom that enables you to handle life’s complexities. You are better able to assess problematic situations and yourself with clarity and remain open to discoveries. This sparks intuitive insights and self-correcting actions. By thinking independently and putting this into practice, you build trust in your own abilities.

2. Does the approach teach NATURAL relationships with food, movement and my body?

Daily life is full of ups and downs, yet most weight loss approaches ignore these fluctuations. They rely on controlling rules and external accountability to force new habits. This not only overrides your natural responses, it devalues them. Similarly, any approach that insists on you being one way to lose weight and another way to maintain it, is not natural.

Conscious Weight Loss acknowledges the ebbs and flows of life as we help you develop your natural style and rhythm within this. Your efforts are grounded in choice, not control, so they feel natural and can withstand the tests of life. And regardless if you are still losing weight or adjusting to a new weight, you’ll be using a consistent set of life skills that foster lasting change.

3. Is the approach substantial enough to improve my life BEYOND weight loss?

Conscious Weight Loss is a step-by-step process that guides you from struggle to joy, and from Ego to Soul. Other approaches might happen upon mindfulness, self-love, or a better life. However, this approach intentionally cultivates higher consciousness, unconditional love, and a bigger life. This journey goes well beyond weight loss by redefining your relationship with yourself, freeing up your energy for greater pursuits and nourishing your entire being.

A good weight loss approach should have a positive ripple effect on related areas of your life. It can typically improve your sleep quality and energy levels. It can often ease longstanding physical pains. It can create a positive trend in your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes. And it may even lead to a reduction in your medications.

A great weight loss approach does all this and more. It brings optimism and possibility back into your life in a way that has you excited to get out of bed in the morning. You aren’t susceptible to a number on the scale artificially propping you up or ruining your day. You’ve learned how to navigate all this with relaxed trust and deep calm. Haven’t found this approach yet? It’s time for Conscious Weight Loss.

Still curious? Read about The Journey

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The Three and a Half BIG Questions You Gotta Ask Yourself to Lose Weight