Exactly Ada. And the more seamless that healing and change feel, the more choice you have learned to be with, which means the more resistance you have dialed down.
“Most people live….in a very restricted circle of their potential being.” That was me. After my husband died, I grieved, of course, but I also felt liberated. I realize now how small my world had been.
As my world opens up with new and exciting opportunities, I think I’ll stress less about the number on the scale and simply embrace my journey to joy.
Yes Nancy, & this process will help you realize the skills & capacity you had for that smaller life also need to open up & expand now, so that you can embrace your bigger life with ease.
My biggest take away was that there is never a perfect moment to start on a weight loss journey. Life is messy and unpredictable so just start where you are now.
Michelle Williamson
on February 3, 2023 at 1:57 pm
My biggest ah-ha moment came when you spoke about resistence. I see in myself all the signs. I look forward to learning how not to judge myself, doubt myself, resist realization of my true capabilities.
Resistence is truly one of my favourite topics to explore so I love your Aha around this! Be sure to read the related Wisdom Bite for more juiciness on this topic & remember the happy ending this type of inner work promises – all resistance eventually evolves into self-respect.
A lot of us don’t know how to be with choice because we were raised in a paradigm of control – that resonated for me as a deep truth.
Realizing that most of my life I had been thinking I needed to suppress parts of myself in order to reach and maintain a healthy weight when actually the OPPOSITE is true. No wonder it hasn’t been working. I need to embrace and make room for all of the different parts of me.
Create balance and weight loss becomes something I LET happen – I love that reframing.
What is my bigger life? This is the REAL hunger.
If resistance weren’t present, what would I be doing? Believing weight loss is hard = resistance.
I started to cry and couldn’t stop. My soul hurts. This sounds very dramatic but I have not had anybody identify with my thoughts like this before. The exhausting, emotional conversation of control in my brain. The words BIG LIFE are ringing in my ears. Something to look towards.
Those are Soul tears, Catherine. This may SOUND dramatic but it FEELS like relief when that deeper part of you sees you awaken to the fact that you’re destined for more in life!
So many great takeaways from this audio. “The root of all resistance is fear”. I believe that is true, and needing to address this is so important to approaching this in a different way than I have before. I am willing and open to doing this work, knowing that true growth and my authentic life lies on the other side of this work.
Thank you Coach Kath for laying out your program in a thoughtful and easy to follow manner. You have shared such incredible wisdom in 30 minutes. Such a gift! I was inspired by many of your key points such as, we were never really taught choice over control and how this shows up in not only my weightloss but in many aspects of my life. Starting your journey and why you are committed to this work helped me align with my own core values and my capacity to change. I resonated with your 3 1/2 questions. You shared all of this with resonate stories and thought provoking questions along the way. Yes I’m in … bigger life … smaller body!
I so enjoyed reading your guide. So many people are dealing with weight issues and I know for myself, excess weight has been a part of my life since my early 20’s. The content is relatable and I found each of the four steps; awareness, truth, deep truth and alignment have been thoughtful planned out.
Funny, real, informative, uplifting, resonating.
Unique approach, taking people who feel powerless and giving them the option to be in control.
I love the personal stories.
I find your communication to be insightful, clear and easy to receive. This is a brilliant approach to the every day woman, feels attainable and provides a feeling of hope and possibility. There is the message that there is nothing to fix, that we are perfectly imperfect and a shift in perspective will change the way we see ourselves. I see this as a beautiful invitation to change a narrative that no longer serves.
Hi! This read was a Wow! The work behind this program is obvious. Written with wit & humor. This philosophy will guide people towards lasting change. Revolutionary change that reaches the core. With gratitude.
The time and effort you have put into your work is clearly evident. The content is detailed, solid and resonates very strongly, in some cases bringing a tear to my eyes. The personal quotes are a nice touch and inspiring too. The truth and insights you bring laced with your undeniable sense of humour is charming. It takes the edge off of the sometimes difficult truth people must face while you still manage to keep your messages honest and real. Finally, I will say that your work is unique as are many of your insights. The way you present actually made me take a deeper look into some of my own ways of thinking/being. It was new and intriguing to me.
In Coach Kath’s wisdom-based approach, losing weight is a side effect of blossoming into the truest, most empowered version of ourselves. This strikes me as very appealing as I have no interest in being skinny and miserable. My goal is to lead a meaningful, joyful and examined life above all else; if I can look good doing it, sign me up! More than that, I want my world-facing body to reflect my innermost values and to communicate to others that I value my life and care for myself accordingly.
Coach Kath quotes Marriane Williamson as saying “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?…Your playing small does not serve the world.”
So good! This resonates deeply. I have a feeling that the path of the fully actualized person is not for the faint of heart, and I often question whether I really have the courage to walk such a path, much less the gall to think I am worthy of standing on such hallowed ground. Gratefully, my curiosity is piqued and compels me forth. I have the willingness to take the first step which seems to be the only price of admission.
The statement, “Excess weight = an imbalance in your life”, resonates with me.
Or as I say when I repeat it, “It is easier for your body to lose weight than it is for your mind”. As Coach Kath states, most weight loss programs use a control paradigm (do this, not that and the weight will come off). But the focus with Conscious Weight Loss is the mind work needed to peel back the layers (fear, resistance, control, rationalization), and reveal the slimmer, best version of yourself. Choice = Joy.
My biggest takeaway from this e-guide, is the line, “Who would you BE, if there was no internal struggle anymore?
My biggest takeaway is that there is more to weight loss than eat less, move more. It is more about our personal baggage that we carry with us as we navigate through life. I love the idea of diving deep down to “resolve intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person’s weight issue”. It’s not just about the weight. It is so much more. Once these issues have been examined and understood is when the healing takes place. Awareness is everything.
You introduce temperament types and traits and skills, which I never considered before. This is new information and it opens my mind to new possibilities. I never realized that my weight issues meant that I had an imbalance in my life. This also is new information and makes me think.
What’s your biggest takeaway? This question is a tough one because there are so many great takeaways in Coach Kath’s work. However, my biggest takeaway is that this approach is about living a bigger life in a smaller body. We can get to this by inquiring with ourselves the 3.5 questions. These questions and approach is so powerful because it not only gives you weight loss but a bigger, richer, more fulfilling life. It looks at extra weight as a sabotage or limitation we have since we have fears, judgement getting in the way of a full life. Weight loss is indeed fear loss. And weight loss is an inevitable outcome of a life lived fearlessly expressing our most authentic selves at its highest potential.
My biggest takeaway is that loosing weight is not about loosing something, but rather gaining insight into the parts of yourself that are missing that cause a feeling of lack in your life. Weight loss can be simple or complicated and you seek to help those take the path of least resistance through understanding individual needs and addressing any barriers that may stand in the way, most of which we are not aware. Finally, the biggest takeaway is that you have experienced the same issues that you are working on helping others manage and have carved out a path for those of us to follow, which is leadership vs dictatorship on how to loose weight and that understanding or compassion for those who are struggling is real and heartfelt. Blessing Kathy!!
My biggest takeaway is the quote on page 5: “The majority of your weight loss resides in your eating. But how you feel during that weight loss resides in your movement. Yet how well you honor either resides in the consciousness you bring to them.” So much truth here! The actions involved with eating and moving are only the tip of the iceberg; underlying them is a complex network of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that absolutely must be explored for true and lasting change to occur.
My biggest takeaway is that this is an organic and loving approach to weight loss. The whole thing to get out of control and into choice is such a level maker – Choice brings your full presence into the picture. Control only brings one part of the person. And that part is exhausted from controlling.
You have worked so hard…it shows up in your process. It shows up in your writing – everywhere I turn – I see excellence, vulnerability, and the desire to help others.
My biggest takeaway – healing and change are best achieved from the inside out, resistance is fear in action, choice over control!
Exactly Ada. And the more seamless that healing and change feel, the more choice you have learned to be with, which means the more resistance you have dialed down.
My biggest takeaway is that I CAN have a better and bigger life!
Inherent in your statement is possibility & deservedness. The work of this process helps you connect to both in your life!
“Most people live….in a very restricted circle of their potential being.” That was me. After my husband died, I grieved, of course, but I also felt liberated. I realize now how small my world had been.
As my world opens up with new and exciting opportunities, I think I’ll stress less about the number on the scale and simply embrace my journey to joy.
Yes Nancy, & this process will help you realize the skills & capacity you had for that smaller life also need to open up & expand now, so that you can embrace your bigger life with ease.
My biggest take away was that there is never a perfect moment to start on a weight loss journey. Life is messy and unpredictable so just start where you are now.
Absolutely Angela – this is the very spirit of ‘weight loss while life happens’!
My biggest ah-ha moment came when you spoke about resistence. I see in myself all the signs. I look forward to learning how not to judge myself, doubt myself, resist realization of my true capabilities.
Resistence is truly one of my favourite topics to explore so I love your Aha around this! Be sure to read the related Wisdom Bite for more juiciness on this topic & remember the happy ending this type of inner work promises – all resistance eventually evolves into self-respect.
Big “Ah ha!” moments for me:
A lot of us don’t know how to be with choice because we were raised in a paradigm of control – that resonated for me as a deep truth.
Realizing that most of my life I had been thinking I needed to suppress parts of myself in order to reach and maintain a healthy weight when actually the OPPOSITE is true. No wonder it hasn’t been working. I need to embrace and make room for all of the different parts of me.
Create balance and weight loss becomes something I LET happen – I love that reframing.
What is my bigger life? This is the REAL hunger.
If resistance weren’t present, what would I be doing? Believing weight loss is hard = resistance.
Deep truths help point us to our areas of personal healing. You’re going to be moving from suppression to EXPRESSION in this process Bonnie 🙂
I started to cry and couldn’t stop. My soul hurts. This sounds very dramatic but I have not had anybody identify with my thoughts like this before. The exhausting, emotional conversation of control in my brain. The words BIG LIFE are ringing in my ears. Something to look towards.
Those are Soul tears, Catherine. This may SOUND dramatic but it FEELS like relief when that deeper part of you sees you awaken to the fact that you’re destined for more in life!
So many great takeaways from this audio. “The root of all resistance is fear”. I believe that is true, and needing to address this is so important to approaching this in a different way than I have before. I am willing and open to doing this work, knowing that true growth and my authentic life lies on the other side of this work.
Yes & some discomfort is on this side of this work…so your willingness & openness will serve you well!
Thank you Coach Kath for laying out your program in a thoughtful and easy to follow manner. You have shared such incredible wisdom in 30 minutes. Such a gift! I was inspired by many of your key points such as, we were never really taught choice over control and how this shows up in not only my weightloss but in many aspects of my life. Starting your journey and why you are committed to this work helped me align with my own core values and my capacity to change. I resonated with your 3 1/2 questions. You shared all of this with resonate stories and thought provoking questions along the way. Yes I’m in … bigger life … smaller body!
Great insight to wisdom that makes 100% complete sense, it all stems from the root of us and us individually , very eye opening .
I so enjoyed reading your guide. So many people are dealing with weight issues and I know for myself, excess weight has been a part of my life since my early 20’s. The content is relatable and I found each of the four steps; awareness, truth, deep truth and alignment have been thoughtful planned out.
Funny, real, informative, uplifting, resonating.
Unique approach, taking people who feel powerless and giving them the option to be in control.
I love the personal stories.
I find your communication to be insightful, clear and easy to receive. This is a brilliant approach to the every day woman, feels attainable and provides a feeling of hope and possibility. There is the message that there is nothing to fix, that we are perfectly imperfect and a shift in perspective will change the way we see ourselves. I see this as a beautiful invitation to change a narrative that no longer serves.
Hi! This read was a Wow! The work behind this program is obvious. Written with wit & humor. This philosophy will guide people towards lasting change. Revolutionary change that reaches the core. With gratitude.
The time and effort you have put into your work is clearly evident. The content is detailed, solid and resonates very strongly, in some cases bringing a tear to my eyes. The personal quotes are a nice touch and inspiring too. The truth and insights you bring laced with your undeniable sense of humour is charming. It takes the edge off of the sometimes difficult truth people must face while you still manage to keep your messages honest and real. Finally, I will say that your work is unique as are many of your insights. The way you present actually made me take a deeper look into some of my own ways of thinking/being. It was new and intriguing to me.
In Coach Kath’s wisdom-based approach, losing weight is a side effect of blossoming into the truest, most empowered version of ourselves. This strikes me as very appealing as I have no interest in being skinny and miserable. My goal is to lead a meaningful, joyful and examined life above all else; if I can look good doing it, sign me up! More than that, I want my world-facing body to reflect my innermost values and to communicate to others that I value my life and care for myself accordingly.
Coach Kath quotes Marriane Williamson as saying “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?…Your playing small does not serve the world.”
So good! This resonates deeply. I have a feeling that the path of the fully actualized person is not for the faint of heart, and I often question whether I really have the courage to walk such a path, much less the gall to think I am worthy of standing on such hallowed ground. Gratefully, my curiosity is piqued and compels me forth. I have the willingness to take the first step which seems to be the only price of admission.
The statement, “Excess weight = an imbalance in your life”, resonates with me.
Or as I say when I repeat it, “It is easier for your body to lose weight than it is for your mind”. As Coach Kath states, most weight loss programs use a control paradigm (do this, not that and the weight will come off). But the focus with Conscious Weight Loss is the mind work needed to peel back the layers (fear, resistance, control, rationalization), and reveal the slimmer, best version of yourself. Choice = Joy.
My biggest takeaway from this e-guide, is the line, “Who would you BE, if there was no internal struggle anymore?
My biggest takeaway is that there is more to weight loss than eat less, move more. It is more about our personal baggage that we carry with us as we navigate through life. I love the idea of diving deep down to “resolve intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person’s weight issue”. It’s not just about the weight. It is so much more. Once these issues have been examined and understood is when the healing takes place. Awareness is everything.
You introduce temperament types and traits and skills, which I never considered before. This is new information and it opens my mind to new possibilities. I never realized that my weight issues meant that I had an imbalance in my life. This also is new information and makes me think.
What’s your biggest takeaway? This question is a tough one because there are so many great takeaways in Coach Kath’s work. However, my biggest takeaway is that this approach is about living a bigger life in a smaller body. We can get to this by inquiring with ourselves the 3.5 questions. These questions and approach is so powerful because it not only gives you weight loss but a bigger, richer, more fulfilling life. It looks at extra weight as a sabotage or limitation we have since we have fears, judgement getting in the way of a full life. Weight loss is indeed fear loss. And weight loss is an inevitable outcome of a life lived fearlessly expressing our most authentic selves at its highest potential.
My biggest takeaway is that loosing weight is not about loosing something, but rather gaining insight into the parts of yourself that are missing that cause a feeling of lack in your life. Weight loss can be simple or complicated and you seek to help those take the path of least resistance through understanding individual needs and addressing any barriers that may stand in the way, most of which we are not aware. Finally, the biggest takeaway is that you have experienced the same issues that you are working on helping others manage and have carved out a path for those of us to follow, which is leadership vs dictatorship on how to loose weight and that understanding or compassion for those who are struggling is real and heartfelt. Blessing Kathy!!
My biggest takeaway is the quote on page 5: “The majority of your weight loss resides in your eating. But how you feel during that weight loss resides in your movement. Yet how well you honor either resides in the consciousness you bring to them.” So much truth here! The actions involved with eating and moving are only the tip of the iceberg; underlying them is a complex network of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that absolutely must be explored for true and lasting change to occur.
My biggest takeaway is that this is an organic and loving approach to weight loss. The whole thing to get out of control and into choice is such a level maker – Choice brings your full presence into the picture. Control only brings one part of the person. And that part is exhausted from controlling.
You have worked so hard…it shows up in your process. It shows up in your writing – everywhere I turn – I see excellence, vulnerability, and the desire to help others.